20 November 2008

Baby 'P'

I am a troubled person at the moment. I was troubled last week when the Baby P story emerged but after reading the News of the World report on Sunday, which detailed the abuse the little boy got, I think about the poor wee soul constantly. I would not advise ANYONE to read the NotW story as it will haunt you. How any person or group of people could do such a thing is beyond me? Various crimes I can understand and would never condone, but I cannot, for the life of me, understand the utter brutality, and brutality is nowhere near an adequate description, meted out to poor wee Peter.

The names and pictures of the three despicable bastards who carried out this atrocity are now widely available on the net (but to print them or show them would be an offence so they are not included here) but it is hoped that some psychopath in their respective prisons has the decency to make them suffer as wee Peter did, although unfortunately, as they are in prison, a slow torturous death is probably out of the question. I’m sure the wardens will turn a ‘blind eye’ when the time comes, but the thing is, the perpetrators are probably too dumb to understand what is about to happen to them and it’s difficult to think of retribution evil enough to even come close to justice.

A lot of people have been wondering why the conviction was for ‘causing or allowing the death of’ Baby P, instead of for murder. This goes back a few years to a case where some smart-arse defence lawyer spotted that although his three ‘clients’ could be proved to be at the murder scene of an individual, there was no proof which showed that any one of the individuals struck the fatal blow. The ‘scam’ was for each of the three individuals, not to deny being there, but for them to blame each other for the killing. As the charge for each individual was murder and nobody could prove who struck the fatal blow, the jury, on the instructions of the judge had to find each individual ‘not guilty’.  As they were not charged with anything other than murder and had been found not guilty, then they had to be released. And so we have this pathetic cop-out of a charge of ‘causing or allowing the death’ which, no doubt, will have sentencing guidelines and which will result in what the public will think are lenient periods of imprisonment. On this score I urge people not to be worried. Whether these scumbags are in jail for two years or twenty, they will not survive it. Indeed, there are already forums encouraging a fund be set up for the prisoner who metes out some sort of justice to them. Personally, I would pay to be able to participate. I might be squeamish about pain to my own body, but I’d happily do whatever was needed to make these evil bastards suffer, and suffer long and hard.

Similarly, the doctor who saw Baby P two days before he died and did not examine him with his broken back, broken ribs and mutilated fingers because he (Baby 'P') was ‘too cranky’, should immediately be struck off but Dr Sabah Al-Zayat will no doubt be taken on by some other, well-meaning health group and her life will continue.

The care workers who saw Baby P days before his death and who were ‘taken in’ by the chocolate spread over his wounds to disguise them should also be sacked and never employed in any sort of child or healthcare profession again.

The  police person responsible for arresting and holding Baby Peter’s grandmother for kidnapping him and only releasing her on the day of little Peter’s death, when all she was doing was trying to protect him, should be held up to public ridicule.

Baby Peter’s father who occasionally had the child for weekends must have seen the cuts and bruises and yet did not appear to do much about it. Think about it. You get your one and only child for a weekend and he’s got all sorts of injuries and you ‘just report it to the authorities’ and then hand him back.

I’m afraid the list of the culpable goes on and on and we have to hope that Ed Balls, the Government Child’s Minister, will receive a report which allows him to act decisively, although I fear in today’s over-protected society there will be some harsh words, some slaps on wrists, some well-meaning new guidelines, some recommendations for people to resign…..and you know what ? Nothing will happen……and in another 5 or 6 years it’ll happen all over again.

Now I’m not one for encouraging people to sign petitions, but if ever a government (and I don’t blame the current lot for this) needed some public show of outrage and a mandate to allow them to throw the book at Haringey (probably the most useless authority on the face of this earth – they’ve featured in my blog before) and certain individuals, then the Sun petition may just help. The link is below.

Finally, J, can you say a prayer for little Baby Peter at church on Sunday. 


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