3 September 2010

What Day Is It Again ?

So yesterday, I wished you all a good weekend and that should have given you a clue - senility and the art of forgetting what day it is/was is becoming a habit for me.

I was absolutely sure yesterday was Friday and I blame our friend Sarah. As I had arranged to run her to the airport for her trip to Dublin, I just (stupidly) assumed it was the start of the weekend. I mean most people go away for weekends on Fridays - not Thursdays!

I even phoned the piscine repair shop to find out if the spare part I ordered  for Sarah and David's pool was in, previously having been told it was due to arrive on FRIDAY!

To further complicate matters for everybody around me, I told Sarah's mum and dad (who are looking after their house and Charlie, the dog), that I'd pop round tomorrow and  fit the part as it was Saturday and I had nothing else to do! And of course, it was Thursday when I said this!

Then there was the mad dash to find my 'fancy dress party' outfit - my Barcelona football shirt - because the party was the following night. Not so! I've got another day to find to find that elusive shirt.

Then the realisation that as it was Saturday the following day, I'd not have to 'watch' the stock market (it's been quite lively this week). It's one of my hobbies and if I'm particularly lucky, I might make enough to cover the cost of J's weekly nail technician who visits the house and who looks like a supermodel and makes me forget even more things! But as I thought it was Friday (when in fact it was Thursday), I was rather crestfallen that my, so far, successful trading week had ended.

And finally, I sat on the terrace last night working out that I'd been a 'good' boy and had made a pack of ciggies last me four days, when, in fact, I'd been smoking like a chimney. Still in the land of senility, I wandered in to the lounge to put the Friday night football game on and found that there was no game on  - it was Thursday!

Never mind - go to bed and forget it. Tomorrow's the weekend - or is it? Whatever - have another great weekend.

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