25 December 2008

Happy Xmas Everyone

To all my readers and fellow bloggers …. I hope you all have a wonderful Xmas and a terrific 2009. I hope you all get a chance to spend quality time with your families and friends. 2008 was a good year for me – I hope it was for you also.

What Xmas means to me……

1.  Opening the first present on Xmas Eve and then looking forward to opening the rest on Xmas morning.

2.  Getting a roaring log fire on even though it might be sunny outside – it makes the house seem more welcoming

3.  Putting Mariah Carey’s Xmas DVD on and dancing round the house.

4.  Fighting with J to see who will cook the turkey.

5.  Watching any videos/dvds which the kids got for Xmas.

6.  Giving the cats and Shadow their Xmas presents – they seem to know what’s happening.

7.  Having friends over for a drink or two or three.

8.  Having a really good bottle of red wine with lunch.

9.  Phoning my family and friends – especially my sons and my brother.

10.    Turkey sandwiches on Xmas Day evening in front of the telly.

11.  Watching some of the Xmas specials on TV.

 And finally. Thinking of those who are less fortunate than ourselves and to whom Xmas is just another day.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Is that the view from your house? It's absolutely gorgeous!

I hope your Christmas was absolutely fantastic :)