Us ex-pat Brits are pathetic. We cannot go for a week without an infusion of baked beans. We empty the supermarket shelves of Daddies Brown sauce if we spot it for our shepherd’s pie and if we see anything resembling McVities Chocolate Digestives, a queue forms outside the shop. The French are appalled at the fact that we use Bisto Gravy Granules and they physically shudder when they hear we have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Even the local radio station has called it’s breakfast programme, The Full English….how naff is that ? But all that pales into insignificance when we know that there’s a decent curry house or a fish and chip shop in the locality – the locality for either of these two gastronomic delights being anything up to 100km!
Let’s take curry houses first – they are not a patch on what you get in the
Now Fish and Chips. There’s been several attempts to serve Fish and Chips to the masses of Brits down here, both those who live here and those who, on the 2nd week of a holiday, just want something slightly less than a 5 course gourmet meal. There was a restaurant on one of the lakes in the Var (the next door region to us) who tried it but despite heavily advertising their Friday Fish and Chip nights it never seemed to take off. Maybe the fact that they were in the middle of absolute nowhere was the problem.
Then there is the camp site just a mile down the road from where I live who do, yes you’ve guessed it, Friday Fish and Chip nights. The problem there is that you never know what sort of fish they are serving. All sorts of finned beasts are fished out of the Med and served up as ‘white fish’ and it’s only when you see the flesh do you realise that it’s nothing like cod or haddock. And most of the people down there are French and Germans and who wants to eat fish and chips with them ?
And so I come to Zena’s (R.I.P.), the fish and chip shop in
And so it was with a cry of delight that I heard today that my mate Ashley and his wife have bought a share in Zena’s and after taking over, plan to continue the tradition of a real chippie but with some changes. Poor Ashley and Jaynie. Everybody they talk to has their own idea about what they should serve. The normal request is for the pickles stated above but there are a couple of things which I forgot to tell Ashley today – so here’s my ideal menu for a chippie…….
· Deep Fried Pizzas
· Deep Fried Sausages in Batter
· Deep Fried Black Puddings in Batter
· Steak and Kidney Pies
· Deep Fried Scottish (Mutton) Pies
· Deep Fried Pakora
· Deep Fried Skinless Haddock
· Deep Fried Mars Bars
· Large Pickled Onions
· Bread and Butter
· Irn Bru
· American Cream Soda
1 comment:
Hi Tom
Janie here!
The Fish and Chip/British restaurant, will be taken over from Zena on the 15th October,(as long as the 'French' accountant does all the paperwork on time!)
William Bertin is my partner, and as you may have guessed by his name - he is a FROG!!!
Don't panic, don't panic - William used to live in Brighton and is married to an English lady, by the name of Ruth.
The restaurant is to be called "The Full English" because .... it does what it says on the tin!
Each day has a special:-
Sausages and Mash
Shepherds Pie
Curry (veggie and meat options)
Fresh salmon fish cakes with sauce
and so it goes on.....
William has lately been a chef in the Old Town of Vence, and has wanted to run his own restaurant for a long time.
I will be the waitress - Ashley is keen to help me with my outfit!!!
The restaurant will also be a meeting point for the English speaking community.
The first Friday of each month will be 'Welcome to the Cote d'Azur' for those who have just arrived, and would like to meet a friendly person who speaks the same lingo.
We also have afternoon tea with cakes on offer every afternoon, daily newspapers and board games, in case you fancy meeting up with a mate and having some banter over a game of crib or backgammon.
Unlike Zena's we are open 7 days a week from 8h00 - 22h00.
Start the day healthily with say eggs benedict, or why not go for the 'Full Monty' English breakfast - you choose. No it will not be served it naked, although I will dance for a very large tip!!!
We will be offering, complimentary gherkins, picked eggs, mayo and tom sauce with the fish and chips.
But as for the Deep Fried Mars Bars.............
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